Thousand Cranes for Peace 2014

Every summer we look forward to the ever-changing use of origami cranes.The SAHELI fundraiser of “1000 cranes for peace” is highlighted by an installation of 1000 paper cranes that groups of people have folded and others have “bought” for $10 a crane. Our foundation contributed 100 cranes this year (folded by others).DSC00751

Recently SAHELI has changed its name after twenty years of service to the Asian-American community and is now called AFSSA (Asian Family Support Services of Austin). This reflects a broadening of their mission from support primarily for victims of domestic violence (mostly women and children) to a more inclusive orientation, that will also address the issues leading to domestic violence and helping men become bettter men, husbands, fathers.


This year the 1000 cranes hung daintily on nylon strings from the “rafters” of a “house,” a simple house-shaped steel frame. The multihued cranes filled the inner space rather delicately, symbolizing the fragility of relationships in our houses. The slightest movement or draft turned the cranes on their axes, just as outside pressure can disorient relationships. AFSSA acts as the safety strings and the “house” where people can come into safety and can reorient their lives.